What’s Next For Web Development

As this semester comes to an end this week, the next topic of discussion regarding myself and web development comes into play as I move forward with this information. This semester in terms of this class has been one of the most challenging subjects to understand and have a grasp on learning since one of my first years during pursuing my undergraduate degree. I was hoping that it would be fun and slightly challenging in a new concept or manner. It was definitely both of those things — something I had not encountered before and absolutely challenging.

In terms of what I foresee next for myself and my journey to understanding web development and coding, I am grateful that I took this class and actually stuck it out to successfully make it to the end of the semester. After viewing what I have completed with my WordPress site, I am disappointed in the fact that I know that it has the potential to be SO MUCH more. However, I am very proud of what I have put forth regardless, especially knowing how daunting this assignment seemed to me when first presented and understanding the time and effort I put into trying to make this a functioning site that adhered to my proposed theme.

I think I will not completely abandon my WordPress site following this class, absolutely not. I think that realistically I will come back to it and tweak it here and there or actually use it as a podium for my thoughts as I finish completing my level one sommelier this summer in July. It can host itself as a nice site to refine my thoughts, general or granular, in regards to wine — especially since I have the domain name for a year, I don’t see why not. The hardest part that I was struggling with following the destruction of my original laptop mid-semester was re-doing the back-end installation of programs and I think that was the ultimate setback that frustrated me and discouraged me at times.

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