Analyzing The Evolution of the Internet

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I found all of our readings very interesting because I never get challenged to learn about the history of the internet or web development. In this increasingly internet-driven world, this is content that will benefit us in the future going forward, especially as a woman who wants to learn how to code.

“How the Internet Works” was a great video because it condensed complex information into content that was easy and useful to understand. When I press “send” on an email, I never realized that computers break down the information into packets to make tweets, websites or photos. I also loved that they mentioned that the Internet is a “wire” — to think something so complicated and ubiquitous as a wire dumbfounded me because I realize the Internet really is something that makes life easier and may not be as complicated as we perceive it to be.

The “timeline of software languages,” and the “timeline of networking and the web,” were fascinating because learning the history of how technology evolved from Telex messaging to the mobile web and Plan Calculus to HTML5 and Heartbleed Bug was fascinating. As a millennial, the internet has always been fast and available to me but learning about its origins made me realize that like anything, technology had a long process before getting to where it is today.

“Computational thinking and journalism” were also fascinating because it got me to realizing how I can apply a background of web development and technology to journalism. How do I improve my audience’s experiences? How can we evolve, grow and reshape our thinking processes? It reminded me why I am still in school — it is essential for me to always be learning, growing and evolving as a reporter and thinker.

I enjoyed looking over the WordPress philosophy because it acknowledges that many WordPress users (including myself) do not consider themselves technically oriented. All they want to do is post content without any problems and not face too many complicated issues. I love that one of their points is to “strive for simplicity” — that is what technology is all about, making tasks easier for our users to get them from Point A to Point B.

I loved that the GNU Operating System outlined four essential freedoms of free software. Again, I never realized technology had so many philosophies and missions because when I use programs, all I think about how to navigate them. I never think about their underlying goal and what the companies’ goals are for creating these programs.

Finally, the Unix Philosophy was one of my favorite articles because it discussed the importance of writing elegant, robust code. It reminded me that no matter what I do, even in a field as fast and instant as technology, that I have to put sufficient time and energy into making something of any respectable quality.

I honestly am thrilled to learn more from “The Zen of Python,” and am excited I get to refer to the “Pragmatic Programmer Quick Reference Guide.” Overall, I am thrilled to take this course and am excited to see where the “doors of technology” will lead me.

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