Not Susan’s Thing

In this last analysis post I decided to write about the experiences I had during finishing up my project for the past week and the updates I was able to make.

While completing this assignment I aimed to create a prototype website and concentrate on the coding rather than the actual text as well as the easy edits on WordPress. However, after the peer review, I added more content to the blog posts for a more “natural” look of the website. One of my classmates stated that displaying recent comments and archived posts on sites like that is just distracting and makes the layout busy, thus would consider just removing them. My update to this issue included deleting the recent comments on the sidebar, however, I kept the archived posts, since I believe that they are important when searching for content on a blog.

One of the most important improvements to the website regarded the margins. The issue was that the content was stretching all the way across the page, especially on mobile devices. I was able to fix the margins through manipulating the .css on the custom page. The other matter, I was able to fix were social media links, an essential part of any fashion blog. Therefore, I manipulated the footer and added social media icons. I also embedded links on there. Adding a footer at the bottom of the website was also a good idea, since the viewers can have something to reach out to once they finish scrolling.

In general, it was an interesting experience, however, I believe I didn’t have enough knowledge to perfectly complete such a complicated assignment.

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