My First Ever Coding Experience

This week’s assignments were challenging, to say the least. While the Codecademy assignments were helpful, it was still challenging to take what the instructions gave you and apply it to the exercises. Coding is a foreign experience to me. I never considered myself technically adept at anything until I enrolled at Georgetown, so completing the exercises can be daunting. I have no idea how people learned to code without Codecademy, but I am so grateful it exists as a resource.

Creating my prototype homepage was not easy. It took me at least a solid hour and a half to complete the readings and apply the information from the readings to coding on Sublime. I had no idea how to use Sublime either. I made sure to save my coding on a word document just in case I did not save the Sublime document correctly. Luckily, that paranoia worked because I lost my original Sublime information and had to go back to my original code. While I wish I could have made something more complex, I am honestly just proud I was able to complete the assignment. I did my best to do CSS, googling the different HTML codes for different colors to make my code more “fancy,” but I was having trouble linking it. I also had the hardest time linking an image. Nevertheless, I am still proud I was able to code something simple on my own, even if it is not anything extraordinary. I can’t wait to see the progress I make from beginning to end.

Getting my code on Github was not easy. I had the hardest time uploading it to my Desktop app and had to google other links to find it. I made sure to save my prototype through Sublime to email to Greg just in case. Luckily, I was able to do it, after many Google searches and trial and error.

I found the readings on Responsive Web Design very helpful in making my code, even more so than Codecademy. It helped distill the information even more.

Overall, learning to code isn’t easy. But I am excited for what lies ahead. I am already making progress!


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