Midterm Analysis – New Project, New Languages

My interview with Emmanuel Kenabantu was a fascinating take on how coding fits into real-life scenarios within the scope of work needed for various businesses — in his case, his non-profit organization clients. SharePoint was not a program I was familiar with, and I definitely had to do my research pre- and post-interview to find out more about what the program was and what its capabilities were. Once I was able to get that information under my belt (it was more digestible than I thought it would be), it was very interesting to hear how Emmanuel used coding and web design to tweak the forms, documents, etc. as he needed.

One of the programs that he mentioned using was C# (C Sharp), a coding language we have not yet learned and I’m guessing likely won’t be within the scope of this class. However, I wanted to know more and some quick googling and asking of friends helped me learn more about it and what it is mostly used for. ASP.net was another unfamiliar term, so I had to look into that as well.

One of the biggest things that surprised me was how small his team was on this project, and how quickly he was able to get it done with such a short-staffed group. Perhaps this is common in the non-profit world especially, but I would assume that a project of this magnitude (though perhaps it is not actually as complicated as it seems?) would take a lot longer to complete. I was definitely impressed by his ability to make quick work of this assignment, and present it cleanly and without bugs to his clients.

I definitely want to go back and ask him more questions about his background as well as how he got interested in coding and web design, and have inquired further with him — I hope to hear back soon and update my midterm post as soon as I possibly can.

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