Coming together

This week for me represented a big step forward. I was quite nervous to build a prototype homepage from scratch — I was pretty sure I was unprepared to hand-code a full webpage. The assignments for this week ended up taking me more time than I anticipated and that — combined with starting a new job and some light procrastination — pushed me past the deadline.

But however long the work took me to do, in all the work ended up not being as difficult as I feared. My fingers started to type the correct tags with ease and my page slowly but surely came together. The lessons taught some important new information, especially styling conventions, that for the first time for me felt as if they were logical extensions of what we’ve already been learning.

It did take me a little while to figure out an ideal workflow when actually using Sublime Text in conjunction with GitHub. I found myself working past where I should have entered a commit, and therefore felt I had to cut out some code, make a commit, and re-enter it in Sublime Text and make another commit. I also wanted to check my page before a commit, so I ended up writing some code, popping it into a browser, refining it, and then committing. Just logistically, it’s a lot of jumping around on a laptop screen, so once or twice I got a bit lost between different windows on my laptop.

I also started to get a sense for how I should use CSS — I can see how a separate style.css page would be almost required for a larger page. But for our purposes for this assignment, using inline CSS between <style> tags felt more natural and easier to manipulate.


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