Codeacademy Rescues Girl Drowning in HTML

First off, I really enjoyed the Codecademy exercises. They are a tad tedious (I’m sure that will increase), but it made a seemingly messy and complicated idea make logical sense. Or, simple sense at least. (My brain isn’t particularly logical.) I’m also glad that I chose to read the articles in order instead of skipping around like I did last week. I liked Mindy McAdams’ piece as it both reiterated what I needed to know from Codecademy and exactly how this process relates back to me–a journalism student. (I’m also not particularly interested to see how Codecademy tackles CSS. I know developers are finicky folks when it comes to the hows of coding, so I’m curious to see how that unfolds.)

OK. The web inspector stuff is mildly blowing my mind. If I’m understanding this correctly it means that I can go on any webpage and then see the code that created it? That’s some crazy talk. Like, I understand that languages like CSS and HTML are totally available to whoever uses them, but don’t huge companies have their own private languages? This has revealed a giant tangled nest of legality questions.

Mostly appreciating this article for the TLDR. Lol. But, also because after the previous article I immediately opened a bunch of webpages and inspected their code. I appreciate being able to now understand what is going on! This seems to be a great learning tool. I can see what it’s SUPPOSED to look like–in it’s cleanest best edited form. I really am curious to delve more into what different code looks like and why. When to use what.

So, is GitHub Flow basically the Slack of GitHub? I’m interested to see–once I actually start creating more branches etc.–if the way they have it set up will be helpful or more confusing to me. It reminds me of being in Video Journalism and having a few different “final” edits of a single video, but rarely making any big changes to the final product. I look forward to learning what is the best practice and why certain branches make it into the master and others don’t. I understand that at my level that the concerns will be fairly cosmetic; however, when a team of great coders are all working together on one project, why do some things make it in and others not? I look forward to class this week!

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