This week’s assignments were tough for me. Frustrating. It’s like we went from “Je m’appelle Molly” to translating Victor Hugo. That being said, coding is enjoyable–the actual coding. The logic of learning it is frustrating because it feels just on the verge of intuitive yet isn’t. However, the before and after is fun. I like searching out little issues on the W3 School’s website and figuring them out as I go. There is such a sense of victory when you realize that it was just one tiny misplaced bracket that was standing in the way.
The Ethan Marcotte article on A List Apart put the idea of web design into perspective for me–particularly the transient nature of the beast. Even the simple fact that the article was published seven years ago makes the reader think on all the changes that have happened in the meantime. The way Marcotte compares web design to architecture resonated with me. I love the idea of responsive design–he’s right. There really is something elegant about it.
I’m bookmarking the W3 School page because it looks like something that I’ll be needing in the next couple of weeks. Their format is very helpful to me. Even while I was going through Codecademy I kept thinking “Is there an index somewhere???” and then I stumbled upon this particular web page. I’ve been going through and reading some of them actually as background for the Codecademy assignments! While I worked on my homepage I tried a few things just to see what they would make.
Ditto bookmarking this GitHub page. I know it’s straightforward, but I’m still having some trouble with it. I can’t seem to find things on the desktop version vs. the browser version. I had to make my repository for my homepage in the browser. I don’t think there’s much of a difference? Regardless, this page will be extremely helpful in the future.